Monday, August 6, 2012


Chris and I got to go on an adult trip to Colorado last month. It was so fun. We went mountain biking in Breckenridge, added another 14er to our list(Gray's peak), and just had a fantastic time in the 70 degree weather while everyone else melted in Oklahoma. Chris and I both came home with a few scrapes and bruises, but it was totally worth it. We brought the camper and 2 huskies (Keira and Taiga) We are so grateful for the best parents in the world who watched our babies during our adventure. Here are some pics.


Sunday, August 5, 2012

"Momma, is Justin Bieber a girl?"

So, LP starts pre-school in a few weeks.  Here are a few things she has done in the last few weeks:

 1)      smashed a 2 lb dumbbell on her sisters’ foot. 

2)      Bit her sisters leg hard, causing 2 day teeth marks.  After being punished, I asked her why she did it.  Her response was“Because I love her sooo much.”

3)      I have signed 3 behavior reports at school due to her failure to listen and mind the teachers directions at daycare.  When asked to do something, her reply to her teachers is, “No.”

4)      She went to Vacation Bible School a couple weeks ago and after a whole week of learning about Jesus, the only thing she remembers is; “I Don’t Care!”  which was apparently in a song that they sang.  She doesn’t remember any of the other words, but that is what stuck.  She says it ALL THE TIME, mostly when I ask her do things.

5)      She has begun to scream really loud when I am on the phone with her in the car and when I drive up to a drive thru to order.  As soon as the attendant asks, “How can I help you?” the screaming starts.  I almost don’t hear it anymore.  The fast food workers hear it though, loud and clear.

6)      I attempted to start LP in gymnastics.  She actually got kicked out for not listening.  All of the other 3 year olds stood in line and waited their turns.  Leighton jumped from side to side of the gym while she was waiting.  The teacher told me she could come back when she would listen.  We left since that won’t be until she is in her 30s.

 These are a few things she has asked me this week

1)      Momma, who makes our boogers?

2)      Do trucks die when fireworks hit them?

3)      Momma, do you love me?  Because if you love me you would never drop me off on the side of the road, because you would never see me again and you would really miss your little girl.  (Chris and I have threatened this when she has thrown her incessant fits in the car.  I guess this one won’t work anymore-she’s getting too smart)

4)      Momma, do you think I’m pretty?

5)      Momma, Is Justin Bieber a girl, because he sounds like a girl.

6)      Momma, is that spatula you are using to make the cookies for spanking and for cooking?

Wow, I hope Chris and I survive raising her because she is going to be quite a spirited adult. 

On another note, Elliot took her first step today.  She has been standing on her own but took her first step towards me tonight.  Yay!  She just turned 8 months.  That's a new family record.

taken by Leighton Paige

Taken by Leighton Paige
