Sunday, October 21, 2012


A lot has happened since the last time I blogged, so I have a lot to cover.  Elliot is walking so well people cant believe she is only 10 months.  She has no fear just like her sis, so she has had a few falls.  She fell a couple weeks ago and hit her face on the dog crate and scratched her forehead.  No worries though, once it scabbed over her sister conveniently pulled her scab off and brought it to me.  I guess Leighton thought she was helping, at least I like to think that she was.  Who really knows though, she's a mess.  Poor Elliot doesn't have a chance of not being picked on by her sis.  Elliot is still the happiest baby on the planet.  She makes us laugh all the time.  She dances at the most inopportune moments.  It's hilarious.  Sometimes she will just move one shoulder because she hears a rhythm in her head.  It is truly the cutest thing ever. 

Leighton has finished her first 9 weeks of preschool.  I am praying that she learns how to listen and stop talking before this year is over so she is ready for Kindergarten.  We need a miracle people because she is her daddy's daughter.  Miracles do happen though, so I will not lose hope!  Speaking of Chris, he turned 40 this month.  He isn't taking it so well.  :)  To celebrate, we went to haunted houses and scared ourselves.  Fun times.

 Leighton ran her first 1 mile trail run yesterday.  It was so cute.  It was a monster dash and if you made it to the end with all your flags you were considered a survivor.  She made it alive.  Chris and I on the other hand were not so lucky.  I believe we were targeted but I can't prove it. 

Here are a few things that LP has said lately:
1) "Mommy, we had macaroni pizza at school today.  I peeled all the macaronis off though because I only like sausage pizza." (aka Pepperonis)
2)  Mommy, don't scratch my feelings

Here are some pics:

